Plywood!!! Okoume BS 1088 throughout

I bit the bullet today and ordered my plywood from Boulter Plywood in Sommerville, MA.  I called at 2:00 PM and by 3:00 PM the driver was calling...
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Methane Vents

As  permafrost melts, it releases methane. The methane exits the permafrost via vents which until recently were  small like the one pictured ...
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March 9th update rudder assembly and Centerboard shaping

It has been a very long and cold winter in New England.  Working outdoors to do planing, shaping, and fairing of the blades has been impossible due...
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The Utility part 6 Fixing the chines

I made a common mistake when I installed the chines. Sure, Id read about the possibility of making this mistake beforehand. However, I obviously didnt...
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Unangax Aleut Kayak Terms Part 0

A few decades back, Knut Bergsland, wrote an article called Aleut Kayak Terms which was published in Contributions to Kayak Studies in 1992. The article...
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Mast Tubes and mast steps

1-9-15  Mast TubesWhile waiting for the actual shipment of the aluminum tubes for the masts, I got antsy and went ahead and purchased a 3 chunk of...
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1 seat attached 1 seat coated Primer finally on sheer

Well, the title kinda says it all. So, lets get right to the pictures:Here is the trimmed rear thwart, waiting for its first "finish" coat of epoxy on...
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